The primary challenge lies in conducting a comprehensive assessment of the undeveloped acreage while integrating publicly available data with client proprietary geological input. Additionally, accurately estimating production volumes and assessing associated development risks are key challenges in this evaluation as this area was void of any offsetting analogue production from other operators in the surrounding area.
We leveraged our expertise to address the challenges by conducting detailed geological modeling, enhancing mapping based on new data, and generating sub-regional development averages. These were completed by utilizing proprietary algorithms, estimating condensate and gas volumes and assessing production performance through the use of analytical tools. The team proposed type curves for future development modeling and provided guidance on inventory quality considering geology and fluid maturity as a part of the analysis.
Immediate value was delivered in the form of a comprehensive evaluation of the offsetting land block to the client and their affiliates. By providing detailed analyses, insights, and recommendations, the client was equipped with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding future development strategies, giving them confidence and key takeaways from the study. The assessment's outcomes included valuable insights into the resource potential, development risks, and upside opportunities associated with the undeveloped acreage, enabling our clients to optimize their investment decisions and maximize value creation.